Today I tried to get credit for a couch and chair and was denied.
Later, I received my paycheck where I noticed the address was from North Carolina.
I remembered an expert early on in my reporting on homeless issues telling me re-entry into society is more difficult then becoming homeless.
And I'm one of the lucky ones.
My credit, already mediocre, took a battering while I was out of work for the better part of the last year. So when I went to a furniture store with a nice deal on a couch and matching chair, I warned the saleswoman that my credit was poor. It turned out so bad that each of the two credit agencies she tried turn me down in seconds.
I tried not to slink out of the store but I'm pretty sure I did slink. Or past-tense slunk. (I've always tried to hold my head high but it's pretty big -- lotta work. My head is so big that every time I lay down, I hear a radio announcer shout out, "Oh, the humanity." Too soon for a Hindenburg joke?)
Later, I received a copy of my check and noticed the old address. I recalled when I filled out my paperwork that I hadn't really had an address in a couple of years, other than that of the Bloomington Herald-Times. I suppose I failed to note the problem because I was so happy to have a steady paycheck.
Here I am with an education, a knowledge of systems and a 30-year career and yet I struggle.
Imagine what it's like for those who've battled homelessness for years, or the homeless who have struggled with substance abuse. (I have not -- unless you count tubed and processed meats. Then I have an issue.)
I remain a lucky man re-establishing myself into what some consider respectable society.
Peace and luck unto all of you my brothers and sisters.
"Respectable society" is in the eyes of the beholder. Takes much more than "good credit", and you have a lot of the "much more". Catch a muskie keeper and show it to us. Congrats on your "new life".