Thank you readers all for bringing my page views to more than 100,000.
I started writing the blog merely as something to aim for each day, a reason to get up and think and read and then at the end of the day write.
Of the five blogs I've written the most popular earned 55 hits over nine days.
In the nearly four months of writing, I've so appreciated the support and friendship from near and far. Sure, there have been the anonymous trolls but they end up being like gnats. If you succeed against odds of smacking one, assuredly there will be another coming along shortly.
My goal for each entry is simply to be truthful. That's how I try to live daily, truthful and until sleep meets me.
There have been great joys and lesser sorrows in the time of the keeping the blog. I've also written how it's changed. There's only so much I can do with reporting on homelessness -- and then virtually no one read it.
That's cool. One must pivot in this strange time.
I'm obviously still looking for a job and those seem be drying up faster than a creek bed in the Texas desert (I've been practicing my best Dan Rather this last week). I'm going to make rounds in Bloomington here, at the grocery stores and fast-food joints to see who needs a manager. I'll keep applying online even though that's earned two interviews out of 90 applications.
I'll keeping trying.
And I'll keep writing. As I've said all along, writers write.
Thank you all for reading. There's little more reward for a writer to know one is not merely writing into the void.
Peace and reading unto you all of my brothers and sisters.