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Thursday, October 1, 2020

One of the advantages of being laid off on the first of the month -- it makes remembering anniversaries easier.

Today marks five months.

And I remain the luckiest man on the face of the Earth. Blessings have rained down on me like, oh, I don't know. Rain?

I've made so many new friends in this time and reconnected with old friends. Strangers have taken me in and fed me and offered me money, all of which has helped, emotionally and literally.

The only news I can share at this point is I continue to search for any job that can keep me plump. 

But I would like to say to Congress there remains real pain out in this land. Your fighting over ideology doesn't do a damn bit of good.

Peace and employment to all of you my brothers and sister -- unless you're happily retired.


  1. There is real pain in the country. We are in the agonizing birth throes of a new nation. Dinna ken the ilk. We have to keep on keeping on, and I strongly suspect the sun will rise again. Peace to you, Rich.

    Am so happy to testify about a great spell caster that helped me when all hope was lost for me to unite with my ex-girlfriend that I love so much. I had a girlfriend that love me so much but something terrible happen to our relationship one afternoon when her friend that was always trying to get to me was trying to force me to make love to her just because she was been jealous of her friend that i was dating and on the scene my girlfriend just walk in and she thought we had something special doing together, i tried to explain things to her that her friend always do this whenever she is not with me and i always refuse her but i never told her because i did not want the both of them to be enemies to each other but she never believed me. She broke up with me and I tried times without numbers to make her believe me but she never believed me until one day i heard about the DR. EMU and I emailed him and he replied to me so kindly and helped me get back my lovely relationship that was already gone for two months.
    Email him at:  
    Call or Whats-app him: +2347012841542

  3. I'm so excited to share my testimonies about the Good Work of Dr odoma who cured my HIV/AIDS with his herbs, I never thought that I would live on earth before the year runs out. I have been suffering from a deadly disease (HIV) for the past (2)years now; I have spent a lot of money going from one Hospital to another looking for ways to get rid of this disease, the hospital has been my home everyday. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this fateful day, I was searching
    through the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr Odoma helped someone in curing his HIV disease using his healing
    Herbs, quickly I copied his email just to give him a test I spoke to him, he asked me to a preparation for the herbs items, of which I did exactly what he instructed me to do, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he
    did, few days after i went back to the same hospital that previously confirmed me as HIV/AIDS positive and this time the result declared me negative to the deadly disease of HIV/ I decided to share my testimony, that nothing is impossible with God, God use a man to healed me. No matter what you are passing through, no matter how deadly the sickness is and no matter what the situation is, God that did mine is still going to do yours, suffering from AIDS, ALS, asthma.. Cancer, any kind of disease, you can reach him now via ? Gmail address: (DR odomasolutionhome20@gmail. com) WhatsApp number (+2348100649947)

  4. Life is always beautiful when you have good health.i have be in pain for almost 1 year had HSV 1&2 and I was lonely and sad, luckily I was directed to a very kind and Great Dr Oliha who helped me cure my HSV 1&2 and today I am free from the virus and very healthy thank you so much Dr Oliha .Email
    you can also whatsapp/Call him; +2349038382931
