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Monday, June 1, 2020

One month ago today, I sat down in a Motel 6 to start a blog because I didn't know what else to do but write.

I had no idea all this would happen.

By all this, I mostly mean the generosity of friends and family and complete, absolute strangers.

I had blogged over the years and no one paid attention -- including myself in some instances. About five or so blogs led to a total of about 200 page views. So I didn't spend anytime setting up a good-looking page or including social media this time -- who could care?

Well here we are creeping up o 70,000 pageviews after one month and I remain overwhelmed while at the same ready to begin reporting on some harder issues regarding homelessness.

One month ago, I was still the tough little editor who could and would take on the world, unwilling to consider the changes I was seeing, the unsettled nature, the questions and how they would affect me.

I've written before how it's exhausting and I've noted already that I'm a lucky man.

I'm safely ensconced in a cottage on a lake. I'm warm on cold nights and dry on rainy days. I clearly have had enough to eat and friends keep coming forward with more food and gift cards.

I certainly had no idea that a little, old blog would attract media attention and after 30 years on the other end of an interview, I'm not sure I will ever get used to being asked questions. How many times have I hung up the phone and said, "D'oh! I should have said this or that."

It's only been a month and finding a job is hard in these times, difficult at my age and my somewhat problematic resume that makes me like a job hopper. Worst-case scenario as I move into the coming months, I'll take any kind of work -- anyone who has worked with me has seen my work ethic.

Assuredly, I will come out this happier, more grateful and settled.

Happy anniversary, readers, I love all of you.

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