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Thursday, July 2, 2020

I cannot count how many jobs I applied for today -- and how many of them replied within minutes via email that my resume had been reviewed and I did not have the requisite skills for the position.


I can't manage content? I can't edit? I can't drink eight beers during a Green Bay Packers game so long as it doesn't go into overtime? (That last thing is not on my resume -- but don't tell me it's not a skill.)

That's likely because the resume had been passed through some software program looking for key words.

The lack of human involvement in hiring distresses me and not just because I'm on the applicant end. As someone involved in hiring for decades, I always looked to hire the entire human, not just the job skill. Look past errors into experience, find someone who's lived a life and overcome obstacles. And look for diversity. I've hired copy editors with no journalism degree, reporters who had history majors and -- among my favorites -- someone who sent their resume to "Rick Johnson." That was supposed to be me. She was a great hire.

Sorry. Just ranting.

Peace and humanity unto you my brothers and sisters.


  1. Hello, in case you are interested this is a link from the Tim Ferriss website for free download of Seneca's letters in case you would like to read them.

  2. Yeah, seems they have taken humans out of the screening process. THEN they invite you to a group interview ... sucks.

  3. Homeless editor: I've worked in the field for 37 years and follow your posts with interest. Your writing and insights are excellent and your humor a plus! I'm amazed you haven't yet accepted an editor's job somewhere.
    I know that applications are online-oriented these days but I still believe that old-school techniques set people apart such as calling the publishers offering the jobs. Seems to me that what is unusual gets attention -- how about a snail-mail letter and resume over online?
    It's common to have a full email in-box but the snail-mail envelope? Who can resist opening and reading that? Just my two cents.
    One more random thought: With your reader numbers, and industry struggles a national topic, have you pitched a book to any publishing house? What about IU Press? You are a compelling voice. Obviously The New York Times thinks so. Every best wish.
